M1 Caliber Miter Saw Measure | REEKON Tools
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Upgrade Your Miter Saw
M1 Caliber Digital Miter Saw Measuring Tool
3X Faster
Cut Speed
Cut Lists
± 1/32”
Up to
than conventional methods
Avoid stopping to mark and make new cuts with the click of a button
Unlock Unmatched Precision and Speed
The M1 Caliber is a fast and portable way to measure and material rolled underneath it.  An encoded wheel on a spring loaded arm measures anything slid as its wheel moves
Fly Through Repeat Cuts
Rapidly make repeat cuts with a button click.  The M1 makes measuring fast and easy, no tape measure or pencil needed.  Removing the need for a hard stop based system, the M1 helps capture measurements and make cuts fast.
Remove Need For A Pencil
Slide and measure, it is that simple with the M1 Caliber.  Once clamped on your saw fence, simply slide the material to the desired location and begin cutting.  The blade width is automatically accounted for with each new cut
Position per revolution for extreme accuracy
With a high precision encoder, the M1 resolves more than 4000 discrete positions per wheel rotation.
Make Straight or Angle Cuts
The M1 can make and compensate for a variety of cuts.  Where speed and flexibility are of essense, the M1 is the tool to get the job done. The M1 can mount to either side of the saw fence
Versatility designed to Speed Up Operations
Portability and speed make the M1 a remarkable addition to the job site.  With flexible mounting options, the exact measurement is displayed on a large, easy to read, LCD screen
Miter Cuts
Enter the blade value on the M1 and account for mitered cuts.  Choose to measure from the short side or long side.
Bevel Cuts
With flexible mounting options, measure and cut your bevels as simply as sliding the material.
Fast and Accurate
English and Metric
mm (XXXX.xx)
cm (XXXX.xx)
m (XXXX.xx) 
in (decimal) (XXXX.xx)
in (fractional 1/16")(XXXX.xx/xx)
in (fractional 1/32")(XXXX.xx/xx)
ft-in (decimal)(XXXX.xx)
ft-in (fractional)(XXXX.xx/xx)
All English and Metric Units
Choose the display between all english and metric units.  Select between 1/16" and 1/32" tolerance in fractional modes.
Easy Setup
Getting started is fast and easy.  Clamp to your fence, drop the arm, and start measuring.
Set Custom Blade Width
The blade width ensures the with of your saw blade is fully customizable and can be saved to the tool.  Once saved, it is applied as a negative value at the beginning of each cut.
Total Accounted Material Loss
Tens of Thousands Of Tools Across The World on Jobsites Everyday
The M1 Caliber is in use across construction sites everyday.  With hundreds of thousands of tools in the field, help REEKON upgrade your next construction project.
Different Types of Material
The M1 is a versatile measuring tool.  A specifically engineered wheel with proprietary resin carefully balances the traction and accuracy needed to be an effective tool.
Work across most metals, plastics, wood, composites, and more.
M1 Features
The M1 Caliber is a professional tools designed by construction workers and engineers in Boston, MA
LCD Screen
A large, backlit, inverted LCD screen makes high visibility measurements readily appear on the M1 screen.
Encoded Wheel
The M1 Measuring wheel contains an encoder sensor and a high traction, custom developed, polymer to ensure accurate measurements are captured.
Battery Powered
Runs on 2 AA batteries with 15+ hours of continual use.  Automatic power saving modes greatly extend the life
Clamping Requirements
See answers to common M1 Caliber FAQs Below
  • The M1 Caliber clamps to a miter saw fence and contains a spring loaded, encoded wheel, that measures whatever is rolled underneath it and displays a linear measurement on a backlit screen.

  • The M1 Clamps to a wide range of fences, see a full breakdown here or send us an email

  • The M1 should be calibrated (or at least checked) at the beginning of each day in an easy to do process that takes around 5 minutes.  See more details and videos here.

  • Yes, the M1 Caliber can be programmed for a specific blade width and applied to each new cut made.

  • Yes, the M1 works in most English and Metric units.

  • No, the M1 is not Bluetooth enabled.  Generally we find customers use their M1 in conjuction with a phone running the ROCK Jobsite App to display cut lists.

Upgrade Your Jobsite
Using modern technology with a focus on functionality, measure and cut stock materials up to 3 times faster than conventional methods and measuring tools. The M1 Caliber eliminates the need for a tape measure and pencil.

Adapter Fence
When the miter saw fence you have is not tall enough, REEKON offers the Adapter Fence to provide a taller surface for the M1 to mount.  See the chart below for more details.

The REEKON Tools Ecosystems works seamlessly together

The most advanced digital tape measure ever made

Easily measure repeat cuts and digitize your miter saw

Organize and label everything on the job site

Free construction calculator app to organize and share all of your measurements

Advanced data capture features with measurement export and integrations

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